Baker Academy

Unique school-age programs for special education

For nearly two decades, Baker Academy has met the needs of special education students from school districts across Western New York. We offer structured educational services for students in kindergarten through eighth grade who have serious emotional or behavioral challenges.

Caring and dedicated staff members are trained in the use of Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) designed to provide them with skills, knowledge and confidence in working with children in crisis. We also utilize Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS), a team-based approach to help students increase academic performance by reducing problem behaviors.

Program Highlights

•All referrals made through the home school districts Committee on Special Education (CSE)

•13 classrooms

•Blends educational services and skill building programs

•Individualized plans focus on self-esteem and the strengths of each student

•Programs to develop self-responsibility and autonomy in each student

•Related services include occupational, physical, and speech therapy

•Special courses in music, technology, art, physical education

•Weekly individual and group counseling

•Ultimate goal is to return students to their home school district whenever possible

Baker Academy School is conveniently located at 51 St. John's Parkside, Lackawanna, New York 14218.  Call (716) 828-9560 more information.



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