Relative Caregivers
There are times when grandparents or other relatives are asked to care for children when the child's birth parents are unable to provide care themselves. At OLV Human Services, we understand that this can often be a confusing and overwhelming experience for relative caregivers. Below are a number of resources available to kinship providers that offer information about your caregiving options and/or provide support for your unique circumstances. If you are considering applying for foster parent certification to care for a relative child in Erie County, please contact us and we would be happy to explain the certification process.
Having a Voice and a Choice: New York State Handbook for Relatives Raising Children - This handbook offers information regarding why children come into relative care, legal options for relative caregivers, and financial and health care assistance available to relative caregivers.
Know Your Options: Relatives Caring for Children - This brochure briefly describes the options available to relatives who wish to care for a child who is placed outside of the home due to child welfare involvement.
Know your Options: The Kindship Guardianship Assistance Program (Kin-GAP) - This brochure describes the Kin-GAP program, including eligibility criteria and the application process. The brochure also includes a thorough NYS permanency comparison chart, outlining rights and responsibilities of caregivers under adoption, Kin-GAP, and foster care.
NYS Kinship Navigator - The New York State Kinship Navigator is funded by New York State Office of Child and Family Services to provide statewide information and referral services for kinship caregivers. Provides information on Kinship Law, financial assistance, relative caregiver rights, and available resources. Call 877-454-6463 or visit their website, click here.